Odo is a shapeshifter, which comes in handy when playing the general detective and law man role on a space station as lively as Deep Space 9. His dry wit is one of the key components establishing a feel and theme for this version of Star Trek. For example, in the episode Necessary Evil, Odo shares his candid thoughts on human record keeping in a murder investigation.
QUOTE (from Necessary Evil, S2):
Odo: Commence station security log, stardate 47282.5 - At the request of Commander Sisko, I will hereafter be recording a daily log of law enforcement affairs. The reason for this exercise is beyond my comprehension, except perhaps that Humans have a compulsion to keep records and lists and files. So many in fact, that they have to invent new ways to store them microscopically...Everything's under control. End log.
The Federation and humans are not the only race that draws the wit of Constable Odo, as shown in this short exchange while investigating a classic "Whodunit" murder attempt on Elim Garak's life in the episode Improbable Cause.
QUOTE (from Improbable Cause, S3):
Commander Sisko: The question still remains, why would the Romulans want to have Garak killed?
Odo: I don't know. Considering those uniforms of theirs, you'd think they'd appreciate a decent tailor.
We learn a good bit of backstory in what drives Odo to be so dedicated to his job and his role on the station in the episode Things Past.
QUOTE (from Things Past, S5):
Odo: I was too busy, too concerned with maintaining order, and the rule of law. I thought of myself as the outsider, a shapeshifter who cared for nothing but justice. It never occured to me that I could fail. But I did...I allowed three innocent men to die.
Even though many of his appearances are chasing down common crook activities of folks like Elim Garak and Quark, Odo eventually finds a love interest in the latter seasons with Major Kira Nerys. In the funny episode His Way, Odo learns love tips from Vic Fontaine, the holodeck club singer, and finds a way to make them work.
QUOTE (from His Way, S6):
Major Kira: Now, are we gonna have dinner together or not?
Odo: And if we do, then what?
Major Kira: I don't know, maybe we could go dancing.
Odo: And after that, I suppose you'll expect me to kiss you.
Major Kira: Well, it's possible.
Odo: Well then, who needs dinner? Why don't I just get it over with and kiss you right now?
Odo was played by Rene Auberjonois, who has had a long and successful acting career in film and in the theater, highlighted by winning the 1970 Tony Award for best featured actor in a musical. It fits with his lineage, with his father being a Pulitzer Prize nominee author and his grandfather being a famous Swiss impressionist painter.
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